Founded in Milan, ltaly in the early 80's, AZ Pneumatica has been on the forefront of the manufacturingworld in the production of fine pneumatic valves and ancillary components. Through continuedinvestments in modern technologies, particularly robotics, the Company has been able to develop andproduce a vast range of fully internationally compliant products, thus satisfying the needs of both the ltalianand all other foreign markets.
AZ Pneumatica's core business lies in the customisation and production of pneumatic integrated air circuits,able to accomodate the numerous demands of today's business, copiously asking for more compact and costeffective pneumatic solutions.
Its state of the art manufacturing plants, alongside its highly trained and seasoned professional workforce, putsAZ Pneumatica on a league of its own! Pioneer of some of the world's most acclaimed valves and cylindersdesidns, AZ Pneumatica is also an internationally acclaimed OEM manufacturer! its products are featured inthe catalogues of some of the top 10 Pneumatic Valve manufacturers in the world. This alone should suffice inclassifying AZ Pneumatica with undisputed leadership in this sector
The Company has recently expanded into larger premises and just granted full distribution rights for theUnited States to AZ Pneumatics LLc, our Boston based firm.
AZ 321 MRC